Monday, January 22, 2007

Attention CBC and TSN

Attention to whomever is in charge of commercial air time for the CBC and TSN. When you show Hockey Night in Canada (on CBC) and when you show NHL games of the week (or any Raptors games, Blue Jays games, etc.- on TSN) during prime time hours I think it's safe for you to assume that there may be many young, impressionable kids tuning in to these great sporting events. I can tell you that my four-year-old sports fanatic is certainly one who lives for your sports broadcasting.

I am telling you this because I am quickly growing tired of the ridiculous commercials that you show during early-hour broadcasts of NHL games. Whenever there is a pause in play I have to be ready with the remote just in case some genius decides to play yet another commercial for the new DVD release of SAW 3, or a commercial for the new "Hannibal Rising" movie, or "The Hitcher" or any of the other 3,000 ridiculous over the top horror movies who's commercials depict images that no person, especially a four-year-old child, needs to see.

Since when did these types of commercials become appropriate for prime time, or even day time viewing (and yes, I have seen them during the day)? In my mind they shouldn't be shown at all. However, if you have to lower your standards for a few precious advertising dollars then I think families all across this country would appreciate it if you could leave these gong-show ads off the air until late at night when little kids aren't likely to be watching.

If my son sees a grotesque commercial at 11pm that's my fault for letting him stay up that late. If he sees it at 6pm then I think it's time you start sending one of your producers to people's houses to explain to the littel kids all across the country that the scary man with the knife was a really a nice guy and the red stuff all over him was jam from a jelly sandwich he just made.


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