And your Canadian Idol is. . .
18 year old Kalan Porter of Medicine Hat, AB (one of the nicest towns in Canada) was crowned the 2004 Canadian Idol over Saskatchewan's own Theresa (not even going to make an attempt at spelling her last name).
My wife and I definitely got in to this year's Idol competition and, while we were rooting for our SK girl to win it, we felt that the best performer definitely won the competition. I have to agree with the incredibly annoying Zac though that when it comes to who's music I'll listen to, it will probably be Theresa.
3.6 million Canadian's voted on Thursday night and while they didn't say how many votes each person received, my guess is that it was not even close. This year's show, while fielding a much more talented group than last year's inaugural season, didn't really have any surprises. I think everyone knew from the get-go that Kalan would win.
Personally, I thought this year's Canadian Idol competition was far better than last year's and better than any American Idol show that I've watched. I did not watch much of last year's American or Canadian Idol because really, the talent was very, very weak.
Now, if we could just get rid of the ultra-annoying Ben Mulroney and John Dore (one guy looks terrifyingly uncomfortable up there and the other is a moron), replace Sass Jordan with someone who knows what they are talking about (just as long as it's not Jann Arden) and get rid of the Randy Jackson and Simon Cowell wanna-be's (Farley & Zac), you'd have a pretty decent show (because that would leave you with no host, no useless supposed to be funny skits, and only Jake as the judge). We've already shown that we have more talent then our neighbors to the north, we just need to step away from their model of the show and do our own thing.
September is a CRAZY month for TV watching. While trying to catch all the season-premieres of old favorites, you're also trying to find the time to catch all the season finale's from all the summer shows- Amazing Race, Big Brother, Canadian Idol- as well as check out some of the new shows debuting this month. Who's got time for all that?
Thanks to having an Expressvu and being able to watch shows on east and west coast time slots, you can pretty much start watching shows at 4 pm (maritimes channels) and catch the shows you missed on west coast time slots.
The Amazing Race is winding down and this past weeks episode looked to be ending in perfect fashion. The gruesome twosome- Colin & Christie- looked to have finally been brought down after a very smart use of the yield by my favorite couple, Chip & Kim. However, Colin & Christie lucked out and, after finishing dead last, were told that this was the last of the non-elimination pit stops, meaning they were still in the race but would have to start the next leg of the race with no money.
The game is officially on as Colin & Christie are now out to get Chip & Kim. 4 teams are left- Colin & Christie, Chip & Kim, Brandon & Nicole (the Christian models) and the bowling Moms (Linda & Karen).
My guess would be that Brandon & Nicole will be the next two eliminated. The Bowling Mom's have dodged so many bullets already that you just get the sense that they'll keep getting lucky. Colin & Christie will definitely be out to get Chip & Kim but I think Chip could take Colin pretty easily and Kim would mop the floor with Christie if needs be.
It's going to be a great end to what is without a doubt the best reality show on TV.
Speaking of which, Survivor 9000 (or whatever number it is) debuted last night from the island of Vanuatu. They have their usual recipe of competitor's with a lot of eye-candy mixed in with some red-neck spice. Even though I think the show is getting really old I still watched the debut episode last night. It's women vs. men and once again, the women defeated the men for reward and immunity. A nice twist to this year is that the old guys appear to hold the power over the studly young fellas and ended up voting out one of the cocky young bucks. Hey, if you want to shut your brain off and just be entertained for an hour, Survivor can still do that.
I also checked out "Joey" last night. Still not sure if I'm a fan or not. Joey's character was by far my favorite on Friends (except for the whole Joey & Rachel disaster) so I was glad to see the character continue on. I'm not sure if Joey will have the same success spinning off Friends that Fraser had spinning off Cheers, but I think the show provides enough laugh's and enough memories of Friends to have a decent run.
I'm realizing I could probably write a book on all the TV shows going on right now. You know you have a couple kids and no life when you can spend an entire lunch hour writing about your TV watching habits. Oh well, it helps speed up the winter season which, in Saskatchewan especially, is something to definitely be excited about.
I'll save my thoughts on the NHL lockout, the upcoming MLB playoffs (GO CUBBIES) and various other random thoughts, for next weeks Blog. Have a good weekend to all those in Blog-land.
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