Garage Sales and Toothaches . . .
Well, we've just come off a fairly busy and eventful weekend.
We had a garage sale this past weekend at the outlaws house in Caronport. It was a good "cleansing" experience for us. We had a lot of junk which, surprisingly to us, turned out to in fact be other people's treasure. When it was all said and done we were able to sell pretty much everything we had hoped to sell.
The outlaws didn't fair as well and so, as a result, we will be hosting another garage sale at our house this weekend in Moose Jaw. We'll see if the "city folks" are a little more into the garage sales then the rural setting of Caronport.
It nevers ceases to amaze me at the stuff people buy at garage sales. There were things that were for sale that I thought would sell in a heartbeat and other stuff that I thought you'd have to be crazy to spend money on. Guess what stuff is still sitting in the garage and which stuff has now found a new home?
I think part of that probably has to do with the fiscal make-up of Caronport where most people are trying to make the most out of the little they actually have. Thrifty would be an understatement.
Unfortunately the garage sale did not come without an injury. My little guy, Carter, was running around with a bunch of his little friends and ended up running into a bed frame that was set-up, minus the box spring and mattress, in the middle of the driveway. This led to a major face-plant onto the hard driveway which has now led to an appointment with the dentist (which my wife and son are at as I type). We took him to an on-call dentist on Friday night after it happened because we were afraid he had pushed his two front teeth up into his gums. Thankfully that wasn't the case.
However, 4 days later our little guy still refuses to eat basically anything and that includes the things he loves the most- yogurt, ice cream, chocolate pudding, and french fries- so we're sure he's in a lot more pain then he's leading on. Basically his two front teeth are mess. His one tooth is pushed back and the other one is chipped basically in half. He's also got a good-sized gash on his gums so I don't doubt that eating pretty much sucks right now. We just pray that he doesn't have to go through any major dental work- praying for both Carter and the poor dentist who would have to try and tackle that next-to-impossible feat.
Thankfully he's going to lose those teeth eventually anyways but hopefully there's no permanent damage done that could cause problems later on.
On a totally unrelated note, it was a sad night last night watching the final episode of Everybody Loves Raymond. The funniest sitcom since Seinfeld provided yours truly with countless belly laughs and numerous moments where I wondered if the writer's had just spent a week in my life. I think anyone who watched this show probably experienced the same feelings. I noticed a poll on the other day where they asked if people considered Everybody Loves Raymond to be one of the alltime great sitcoms. I was shocked to see that, at the time I replied to the poll, that only 41% or respondents had said yes.
I will watch Raymond re-runs for as long as they are on-air. It is hands-down the funniest sitcom I've ever watched.
So, I say cudo's to Ray Romano and the rest of the crew for going out with class and for going out on top. It takes a lot of guts to stop while you're still at the top of your game when the rest of the world would tell you to stretch out every last penny you could.
It's a dark time for TV sitcom fans when all we're left with is Two and a Half Men and the painfully awful Hope & Faith (I have hope, and will hold out faith that some will eventually give the axe to that terrible show).
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